ArtsAlive 2018


Arts Alive will present its 3rd Annual interdisciplinary performance in Kesey Square in downtown Eugene Friday June 2, from 5 p.m to 8 p.m. as a focal point for the First Friday Art Walk. This year’s theme, Baroque to Modern is a journey of music and dance through the ages. Arts Alive is a collaboration of the arts: dance, live music, theater, poetry, costumes, live painting, photography. Comedic actors travel with us, presenting the progression of innovators from the past to the composers and choreographers of today.

The community of Eugene is invited to this free event to to participate as an audience and to sing and dance. Artists are encouraged to paint, sketch or photograph the performances. Everyone is welcome to dress up in any joyful attire they choose and take this time to express themselves and their creative ideas. Among the talented dancers, choreographers and musicians and comedians are University of Oregon students, music instructors, Danceability and performing artists. The event culminates in a community dance with the Gerry Rempel Jazz Syndicate.

Arts Alive’s mission is to bring together artists to create a collaborative atmosphere that inspires both artists and audiences. A goal and work in progress is the effort to establish the center for the interdisciplinary collaborative arts in Eugene to support the whole community.

This free public event in Kesey Square affords easy access to participants for interviews and photo opportunities. Please join us in celebrating the vivid arts and artists of Eugene.