Think Tank – Youth in Eugene

Energy Village Presents Think Tank, a Community Conversation 

In a continuing series of illuminating public meetings with the people working to improve our society, Think Tank provides a forum for community conversation with leaders, visionaries, and project developers.

Eugene, Oregon June 23, 2010 — Energy Village presents Think Tank, a discussion with a panel of compassionate community members.
The event takes place at the Davis Restaurant at 94 West Broadway. Networking is from 6-6:30pm and the lecture begins at 6:30 to 8;00.

The Lecture Topic:
Stagnant Youth in the street.. How our community can provide direction and opportunities for youth to improve themselves and Eugene.

They gather downtown, by the library, on Broadway, angering business owners and scaring citizens and visitors. Without support will continue to multiply and cause destruction to themselves and our city.What is being done currently, and what can be developed or fortified to provide structure and inspiration for our kids in the street?
How long as the city the police and the citizens in Eugene been thinking working on solving the “loitering” of the youth  downtown.
So far it seems there is no easy answer, more police, more white lines, more kids in the jails, more tax payers something, more angry citizens hurt by the behavior of the youth or offended by the tactics of the police.
Is it our responsibility of the kids are bored, ” I didn’t have anything to do growing up” we all say.
So what do we do with the youth? In order to explore the complex issue we have invited members of our community to help us take a closer look at the various sides of a national problem.
Is there a way to meet in the middle, pool our resources and collaborate to create ongoing solutions?

About Think Tank:
Think Tank is a series of up close and personal conversations, interviews, and panel discussions to entertain, educate, and elevate.
By engaging the full spectrum of Eugene’s diversity, Think Tank examines the relevant, explores the emerging, and embraces those that laid the foundation.
Energy Village helps to create a map of the many great projects and programs that exist in Lane County, to reduce the amount of overlap, and increase collaboration between these humanitarian efforts.

About Energy Village:
Energy Village is a not-for-profit organization 501(c)3, founded in 2000. For many years, Energy Village has provided an informal hub for the interaction of individuals and community programs. Energy Village brings people together, with the explicit intent of expanding, and discriminating knowledge and understanding of our relationship to the world and each other.
We provide places, projects and events through which people can gather in an atmosphere of intellectual and personal growth. Events include classes, seminars, retreats, festivals and symposiums. Projects include creation of intentional community, exploration of sustainable technology and lifestyle, fundamental scientific research, production of documentaries publications and the creation of cultural and educational centers.

Susanna Meyer, Executive Director
Energy Village