Yuval Ron Gathering

Energy Village, in collaboration with Laughing Matters presents

Inivitation to a private Evening with Yuval Ron Ensemble

Please join us for an opportunity to meet the musicians involved in The Yuval RonEnsemble: Formed in 1999, The Yuval Ron Ensemble unites the music and dance of the opposing people of the MiddleEast in an endeavor to alleviate national, racial, religious and cultural divides. The Ensemble includes Jewish, Arabic and Christian artists who actively create musical bridges between people of various faiths and is led by Oscar winning composer Yuval Ron (music for West Bank Story).
The Yuval Ron Ensemble will be wrapping up their visit to Eugene and request your presence for this private – invitation only event.


Where: Matreya Buddha Spiritual Center 55 W Broadway

When: Friday, April 16th

Schedule of events:
7:00PM- Mingle, Hors d’Oeuvres

7:30 – Screening: West Bank Story, Q & A with Yuval Ron

8:30 – Farewell jam-session by the ensemble

Suggested donation: $5-10+

Seating is limited, you may bring your own chair or pillow.

Some food will be provided, you are welcome to add to our pot-luck.

This event is a collaborative effort of those working together towards creating our downtown Energy Village International Cultural Center. Special thanks to our co-sponsors; Laughing Matters, Ratatouille, the Davis Restaurant, Harmony Road House, Granery Pizza, Helios Resource Network, PeaceNet, Studio 508.
…and everyone who has participated in the visioning process.